Breaking Free from Old Systems: How Squadspot Relieves the Burden on Shooting Club Volunteers

Managing a shooting club with outdated systems can be stressful for volunteers.

Breaking Free from Old Systems: How Squadspot Relieves the Burden on Shooting Club Volunteers
Breaking Free from Old Systems: How Squadspot Relieves the Burden on Shooting Club Volunteers
Justin Roberts
October 15, 2024
Club management

Managing a shooting club can be a challenge, especially when relying on outdated systems that no longer meet today’s needs. Volunteers who run these clubs often face stress and overload, leaving little time for what they truly enjoy—shooting. Squadspot is here to change that by streamlining operations, making it easier for clubs to manage their members, comply with regulations, and free up time for more shooting.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how Squadspot can help your club transition smoothly:

Step 1: Recognise the Problem with ‘The Old Way’

Many shooting clubs rely on traditional systems or manual processes for membership tracking, event coordination, and legislative reporting. While familiar, these old methods can cause unnecessary inefficiencies. For example, manually tracking attendance or member renewals can lead to mistakes or incomplete data.

More importantly, outdated systems often fail to meet the reporting requirements of modern regulations. This can leave clubs at risk of penalties, or it forces volunteers to spend hours compiling data to ensure compliance.

Recognizing these shortcomings is the first step toward improvement. While “the way it’s always been done” might seem comforting, it’s often a major cause of the unnecessary stress volunteers face.

Step 2: Understand the Volunteer Dilemma

Volunteers are the backbone of shooting clubs, but they’re often stretched thin. Many spend more time dealing with admin work—like member renewals, data entry, and event coordination—than they do enjoying the sport. The result? Burnout.

Imagine if the hours spent organizing records, manually calculating fees, and responding to countless member questions could instead be spent on the range. Volunteers often take on more work than they signed up for, which creates stress and makes the role feel like a job rather than a passion.

Squadspot gives these volunteers back their time. By automating tedious tasks, it ensures that running the club is as enjoyable as participating in it.

Step 3: How Squadspot Eases the Burden

Squadspot provides a seamless, automated platform that handles everything from attendance tracking to event sign-ups and membership renewals. Here’s how it helps:

Automated Attendance Tracking: Gone are the days of paper logs and manual spreadsheets. Squadspot automatically tracks who’s attending each event, making it easier to maintain accurate records.

Membership Management: Squadspot automates renewals and ensures that members are notified of upcoming dues. No more chasing people down!

Compliance: By having everything in one place, Squadspot makes it easy to generate reports that meet legislative requirements, ensuring your club stays compliant with local laws.

Event Coordination: Members can sign up for events directly through the platform, and all the relevant data is captured for you. Volunteers can focus on running the event, not the paperwork.

These features not only simplify day-to-day operations but also provide peace of mind for both committee members and volunteers, who know they have a system that keeps everything organized.

Step 4: Overcoming Resistance to Change

It’s common for clubs to resist moving away from older systems, even when they are no longer efficient. There’s comfort in familiarity, and many committee members may feel overwhelmed at the thought of transitioning to a new platform.

Here’s where the logic of Squadspot comes in. Squadspot isn’t about replacing the community or tradition within the club—it’s about supporting it. By automating administrative tasks, Squadspot frees up volunteers and committee members, so they can focus on what really matters: fostering a thriving shooting community.

Clubs that have made the switch to Squadspot report that the transition is smoother than expected, and members appreciate the increased organization and reduced errors. Plus, having more time for shooting is always a welcome bonus.

Step 5: Free Up Time for What Matters Most—Shooting

At the end of the day, shooting clubs exist for their members to enjoy the sport. The less time spent on admin work, the more time there is to focus on what brings people together: a shared passion for shooting.

Squadspot’s primary goal is to reduce stress, increase efficiency, and give clubs the confidence that they have the system, technology, and data they need to succeed. Volunteers can enjoy the sport they love without the burden of managing outdated, inefficient systems.


Transitioning away from old systems can feel daunting, but the rewards are worth it. Squadspot provides a streamlined, automated solution that reduces the workload for volunteers, ensures compliance with legislative requirements, and helps clubs focus on what really matters. With Squadspot, you don’t just manage your club—you improve it, giving volunteers the freedom to enjoy the sport they love. Ready to see how it works? Explore our platform today!

Breaking Free from Old Systems: How Squadspot Relieves the Burden on Shooting Club Volunteers

Justin is the founder of Squadspot. He has been a shooter since childhood and is passionate about the sport and hobby.